

American Pictures Very Distinguished Geology Professor Put on the Spot Once More

Winning a check for $15,000 is the latest offer of the Boston Evening American in a so-called "Human Problems" contest--and apparently such human problems are not unknown at Harvard.

Yesterday afternoon the American came out with Human Problem number 14 and a conicidence between it and the Kirtley Mather versus the Oath Bill case of last year is immediately noticeable.

The American cartoon pictures first a stoutish gentleman telling a group of students who gaze awesomely up at him that he would not obey the law "by swearing allegiance to state and federal constitutions."

This professor, the "problems" says, is a distinguished professor of geology in a "world-famous New England University" and is "noted as a 'liberal'." But he gets put on the spot as the contest facts are revealed.

Then the president of the college concerned appears--another stoutishly depicted person who says what Conant is thought to have said at the time--you have to take the Oath.


And now when the problem editor gets to the crux of the matter will the rebellious professor resign or surrender his ideals? In answer the picture shows the professor taking the oath.

History shows that Kirtley F. Mather did take the Oath.
