
French Organist Dupre Will Play Here Saturday Night

Recital Will Be in Germanic Museum; Tickets for $1.00

On Saturday, at 8:15 o'clock, Marcel Dupre, French organist and improvisateur, will give a recital on the new Classic organ in the Germanic Museum.

Tickets for this recital, at $1.00 each, are on sale at the Museum and must be obtained in advance. No tickets will be sold at the door. PROGRAM Concerto in B flat, No. 2  Handel Trio Sonata in E flat, No. 1  Bach Three Movements Prelude and Fugue in A minor  Bach Bassun of dessus de Trompotte  Clerambault Variations on a Nool  Daquin Two Chorales  Marcel Dupre Our Father In Dulci Jubilo

Improvisation of a Suite Ancienne on submitted themes.

Biggs Recitals

E. Power Biggs, Organist of the Harvard Church, Brookline, will give 12 recitals covering the complete organ literature of Johann Sebastian Bach on the Classic organ in the Romanesque Hall of the German Museum.


The recitals will be divided into two groups of six and will be given on Monday evenings, November 1, November 8, November 15, November 22, November 29, December 6, 1937, and March 7, March 14, March 21, March 28, April 1 (Friday), April 11, 1938.

Tickets for the series, at $10.00, must be purchased in advance and may be obtained at the Germanic Museum or by sending a check, made payable to Harvard University, with a self-addressed stamped envelope, to the Museum. Applications will be filled in the order received and only 250 tickets will be issued.
