
Limerick Contest Will Give Chance At Dollar a Week to Playful Artists

Crimson Will Give Weekly Prize For Funniest Verse About A Harvard Character

Presenting a golden opportunity to a budding poet whose work is considered of too light a vein for use in English courses, the CRIMSON will soon start a limerick contest.

There will be an award of one dollar made each week for the funniest limerick sent in that week. Once a week the winning limerick will be printed.

The subject matter of any limerick to qualify must be "a character connected with Harvard or its surroundings." Entries will be judged not only by mere humor, but by appropriateness and propriety as well.

There must be no ill feeling, no matter how cleverly put, in the verse, although no names will be printed. Far-fetched rhymes are in place, especially if they add to the humor or the unity of the limerick, and two-word rhymes or the use of an extra-hard name will be given especial credit.

For the information of those who believe they can write an excellent limerick but do not as yet know what one is, it is a five line stanza--two anapestic trimotric lines, two anapestic dimotric lines, and a final anapestic trimeter. The rhyme scheme is A A B B A. As illustrations here are two well known limericks which will not encroach on anyone's prospective subject matter:


A tooter who tooted the finte

Tried to inter two tooters to toot.

Said the two to the tutor.

"Is it harder to toot or

To tutor two tooters to toot?"

There was a young girl of Quebee

Who was burried in snow to her neck.

When asked, "Are you frizz?"

She replied, "Yes I is,

But we don't call this cold in Quebec."

As two limericks will not be printed about the same person until considerable time has clasped, and not even then unless it is a whopper, it is a good idea to develop a loss outstanding character rather then do a mediocre job on one of the grand patoots.

Entries should be mailed to the Limerick Editor, The Crimson, 14 Plympton Street.
