

Although it may seem a bit premature to ask Freshmen, who are only just now becoming adjusted to life in the Yard, to focus their attention on things ahead, it is never too early for them to think about the Houses. Since three years of their undergraduate careers are more than likely to be spent in the Houses, there is every reason for the men now in the Yard to begin to think about the Houses in which they would prefer to live. One of the best ways to get to know the Houses from the inside is to cat in their dinning halls, and for this purpose the University, beginning on Thursday will allow Freshmen to take one meal a week in any House, signing for it in the usual inter-house way.

For Freshmen who are inclined to take lightly this opportunity of eating meals with upperclass friends without causing them the expense of signing guest slips, it should be noted that this privilege was not lightly won. The University granted it only after the Houses had been in operation several years, and then on the recommendation of the Student Council, which vigorously championed the cause that Freshmen should be given every possible opportunity to know what they are signing for when they put in their applications for Houses in April.

Despite the spadework that has been put in by undergraduates to secure this privilege, it is hard to think of having it used as a duty. Rather the Freshmen who avail themselves of it will find themselves amply repaid by the good food, comfortable surroundings, and the general charm of House life that they will share. The trouble of looking up some older acquaintance to sign one's meal slip will be well balanced by the chance to make acquaintances among the upperclasses and to know the character of each House by something more than guesswork and hearsay.

Unfortunately at the present time it is not possible for the Houses to accomodate all undergraduates who apply for admission. But the Freshman who really knows what House he wants to be in, who has acquaintances ready to pull for him on the inside, and who has reasonably good academic standing is not likely to run into trouble in April. And one of the ways to find out about the Houses is to make use of their dining halls whenever the College allows.
