Opportunities for practical work to give first hand knowledge of the Social Sciences in action are being offered by the Social Science Research Council Economics, Social, Economic and Political history, Political science, Social psychology, Sociology, Cultural anthropology, Statistics, and Social Aspects of Related Disciplines are the subjects listed.
For the Ph.D. candidates there is offered no short cut to finish their theses, but rather, a realistic basis for further research. The slave of diplomatic history will have the chance to watch the mechanism of the department of State turn over, while the political science devotee will learn the inside story of government-business relations. Every effort is made to get all government and private officers to help. Often, if proper field experience can only be had abroad, it is possible to travel.
A similar fellowship is offered those with Ph.D's, not only to complete academic research, but to broaden the training of up-and-coming social scientists. The fellow can choose his own place of study, and the award is usually for twelve months. Then for the mature scholar tied down to the University some funds are offered to help complete some research already started.
January 15 will be the closing date for the receipt of applications for the followships, and grants will be announced on April 1. Application blanks may be secured from John E. Pomfret, fellowship secretary, at 230 Park Avenue, New York.
Appointments will be for not less than nine nor more than 12 months. The maximum stipend is generally $1,000, although $1,800 is occasionally granted to students for foreign study. Programs caling for work abroad, however must be supported "by a clear demonstration that adequate field experience cannot be obtained in this country."
Committeemen of the research fellowships of the Council include Carl C. Brigham, of Princeton University, A Ircing Hallowell of the University of Pennsylvania, Lane W. Lancaster, of the University of Nebraska, Walter R. Miles, of Yale University, Frederick C. Mills, of Columbia University, Roy F. Nichols, of the University of Pennsylvania, Robert Redfield, of the University of Chicago, Walter R. Sharp, of the University of Wisconsin, Blair Stewart, of Reed College, and Malcolm M. Willey, of the University of Minnesota.
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