

Harvard as well as America has suffered an irreparable loss through the untimely death of one of its most distinguished graduates. The affairs of the College were always close to Mr. Mills' heart, and the college benefited from his generosity.

Mr. Mills was as outstanding at Harvard as he was in later life. He completed his undergraduate course in two years, and was one of the ranking students at the Law School. But neither his college friends nor his friends outside need to testify to his great qualities. For his whole life has shown his sincerity, honesty, and even judgment.

He held high ideals about good government and political honesty, and he felt that he could best serve his country by devoting the remainder of his life to public service. As a wealthy man, he believed in the responsibility that goes with riches, and his generous and intelligent use of his private fortune stands as eloquent testimonial to his ideals and fineness of character.

Today, America, cursed with "depression nerves" and insidious class prejudices, is mourning the loss of a man whose level-headedness and altruistic ideals would have helped us overcome our troubles, had he lived longer to carry on the work that he began so well.
