
Nine New Men Get Teaching, Research Positions for 1937-38

Appointment of nine new members of the teaching and research staff for the current academic year was announced yesterday as follows:

Dr. John R. Stehn, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, instructor in Physics; Phillip Phillips, of Cambridge, assistant in Anthropology; Grosvenor W. Cooper, of of Stanford University, California, assistant in Music; Edward P. Claney, of Beloit, Wisconsin, assistant in Physics; Charles E. Dunlap, of New York City, Lucius Littauer Fellow in Pathology, Huntington Hospital; Carl L. Billman, of Winchester, assistant in History; and Robert L. Wolff, of New York City, assistant in History.

Dr. David T. Shaw, of Kansas City, Kansas, has been appointed Lucius Litauer Fellow Medicine at the Huntington Hospital, for a year beginning November 1; and Sherwood L. Washburn, of Cambridge, will be assistant in Anthropology during the first half year.
