

Monday To Mark Opening Of Sessions Devoted To Tumbling, Apparatus, Swimming, and Fencing

Two 5 o'clock gym classes, one to be held, at the Indoor Athletic Building and the other at Hemenway Gymnasium, will get under way Monday, according to Norman W. Fradd, assistant director of Physical Education. The classes which will be held five times a week, are open to all members of the University, although the Hemenway session is especially designed for graduate students.

David Hyde, instructor in Physical Education and former star apparatus man of the Springfield College Gymnasium team, will direct the Indoor Athletic Building class, while Harvard Cox, connected with the football coaching staff, will be in charge of Hemenway.

The classes will last from 30 to 50 minutes, and through workout is guaranteed to all participants. That the men may breeze through the exercises more rhythmically, plane accompaniment will be furnished.

Freshman Program Begins

The Freshman program of fencing, tumbling and apparatus, and swimming both for beginners and advanced students will also commence Monday, Mr. Fradd announced. The various hours of the classes will be posted as soon as the officials have had time to sort the large list of Yardlings who have signified their attention of joining one or more groups. Freshmen who have signed for tennis will be required to join one of those groups on rainy days.


The compulsory corrective classes for Freshman will begin early in November, as last year. At present, physical education officials are busily engaged in posture picture taking and yesterday were proud to reveal that they had passed the 500 mark.

Building Changes

Speaking of the new changes which have been effected at the Indoor Athletic Building this summer, Mr. Fradd mentioned the new conference room for coaches and committee work on the first floor on the south side of the building. Athletic trainer Jimmy Cox will work in his room for treatment of injuries in enlarged surroundings. In fact, the size of this room has nearly doubled.

New adjustable fulcrums have been installed on the diving boards of the swimming pool, thus giving the pool the last word in the diving equipment.

As for personnel changes, Mr. Fradd mentioned the appointment of George Hawley to succeed the late Frank Munroe at the front desk position.

Munroe Fund

Collections are being received at the front desk of the Indoor Athletic Building to create a fund to be given to the widow of Frank Munroe, employed at the building, who was killed by an automobile in Maine this summer. The collection is sanctioned by the H. A. A.
