Together with rumors circulating around Cambridge that Dick Harlow may turn out a football team this fall, a wave of "collegiatism" seems to have seeped into this stronghold of majestic indifference. Heading this sabotage on indifference is no loss a personage than Captain Charles (Champ) Hutter of the swimming team and Grand Marshal of the cheer-leading sextet.
Hutter has only recently taken over his new duties, but together with his second in command, Dario (Power House) Berizzi, also of the swimming team, he has already planned an elaborate program. Irked by past sloppiness of Harvard cheer leaders, he intends to put on a polished performance this fall, one that may lack the charm of the old individualistic antics so traditional to Soldiers Field, one that will feature team work.
They May Laugh
"They may laugh at first," he predicted, "but we'll get them on their feet".
Every afternoon during the past week Hutter has led his squad into the week Hutter has led his squad into the Stadium for practice drills. He has stressed in these sessions, just as Harlow has done in the recent football practices, the importance of timing an precession. No longer will the yell coordinators dash out upon the field, fling their megaphones away, and then swing into disorganized gyrations. At a given signal the cheers led with military accuracy.
Tumbling, too, will make a dramatic if un-Harvard appearance. Two divers from the swimming team have been drafted for this department: Rusty Greenhood and Lopy Forbush. Other members of the cheer sextet include Bert Litman and George Lowman.
Swimming team sweaters will be used exclusively in order to give uniformity of costume. In the past, the lettermen have been allowed to wear the award won in their own particular sport. An effort will also be made to see that only clean white flannels are worn.
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