
Simmons Professor Forsees Trouble In Japan Resulting From War Policy

More Imminent Than Inter-Power Conflict in Far East Now Says Steiger

Internal trouble in Japan rather than war may be the first storm to break in the Far East, said Professor G. N. Steiger of Simmons College in a talk yesterday afternoon at Brooks House before the Society of Harvard Dames. He devoted the first part of his address, entitled "Storm Signals in the Far East" to basic conditions in Russia, China, and Japan.

Russia, according to Steiger, has increased her military and economic position in the last few years, and her attitude towards Japan is less complacent than it has been. On the whole, however, the Soviets appear to be minding their own business and trying to develop their natural resources.

China has also been increasing her military strength, and the centralization of her government has made great progress, due to a growing feeling of nationalism.

Steiger believes that Japan is faced with grave internal difficulties. The demands of the army have resulted in larger and larger budgets, and in an ever increasing deficit. This has meant a heavy burden of taxation, and the people are beginning to get stirred about it.

As for possible conflicts in the Far East, Steiger contends that a war between Japan and China is more likely than one between Japan and Russia. The speaker listed two reasons for this: Japan is not certain that she can defeat Russia; and Japan is afraid that Russia will send over an air fleet and destroy her cities.


China, however, is developing a sense of nationalism and is rapidly gaining confidence in herself. She is becoming aroused over Japanese aggression and may some day strike back.
