
The Crimson Moviegoer

Beginning Thursday, A Short Movie On The G-Men Explains Why To Pay The Income Tax, However High

Undergraduates who are thinking of a life of crime after they get the returns on their exams could do worse than see the short "You Can't Get Away With It", produced by Universal and J. Edgar Hoover. The brutal details of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which solves ninety-seven per cent of its cases, are laid out in convincing style.

The most spectacular pictures are those of the agents at machine gun practice, riddling targets with 600 rounds a minute, firing out of speeding cars, and at night lighting up the range with tracer bullets. A sedan disintegrates before your eyes under a few seconds of concentrated shooting from a squad. Emphasis, however, is placed on the scientific angles of crime detection, the long rooms of cross-indexed fingerprints and nicknames, the rows of white coated technicians and microscopes and test tubes. When it had to decide which knife had cut through a copper screen, the F.B.I. placed filings from the different knives and from the screen in a burner and compared the spectra they gave off. It has plastic material for impressions of footprints and tire treads so nice that a plaster cast of a hand can be made to give accurate and serviceable fingerprints.

To make an agent fit to use this complicated machinery, three and one half months of study are needed, culminating in an examination on a mock-up murder complete with dummy and clues. The training is shown together with a few scenes from the more famous kidnapping cases. The cold-blooded efficiency of the F.B.I. seems never to miss; this short ought to frighten offenders of Federal laws out of their wits
