

With the low ebb which many phases of present day politics has reached, the need for qualified men in the political world has become pronounced. This need was partially answered in 1935 by the establishment of Graduate Fellowships in Preparation for Public Service. This year, for the third time, the fellowships are offered, but since the number is limited to six high-ranking students, influence is comparatively limited.

Because of the detailed study of all problems of government, the course covers three years. The so-called "public interneship" which occupies the second year gives the Fellows practical training in whatever branch of public service he intends to follow. The combination of practical experience with the more theoretical aspect of government activity provides an excellent background for the budding political genius.

In the year of interneship, contact with the personnel of the various administrative bureaus is made. This enables the men to learn more rapidly the inner workings of the department which particularly interests them. Although positions are not guaranteed to all the Fellows, introductions to executive frequently lead to further interneship and eventual posts in the department.

Ably supplementing the Graduate Fellowships in Government is the School of Public Administration which is expected to open next September. Although the training offered by the two is distinctly separate, they may well work together effectively. Since the plans and policies of the School of Public Administration are still in an experimental stage, it is impossible to say exactly how far this correlation will be able to go, but unquestionably many facilities will be offered which would otherwise be inaccessible to the Fellows.

Looking optimistically towards a cleaner and more efficient governmental machinery, the Fellowships give qualified men an excellent opportunity to bring up the general level of politics. Because of the small number of Fellowships, however, the value of this opportunity is extremely limited. The field should be widened and funds should be appropriated or accomodate more men if the plan is to have any noticeable influence.
