

Brown '40 and Langworthy '40 Arrange Exhibition; Contributions, 'Things' Welcome

Aware that Surrealistic art cannot survive without the recognition and support of Harvard, and perhaps vice-versa, two enterprising Freshmen have arranged to sponsor the first formal meeting between the two.

Harry McN. Brown, Jr. '40 and David Langworthy '40 have made tentative plans for an exhibition of Undergraduate Surrealism to be held in the latter half of the first week after midyears.

Kunsidirektors Brown and Langworthy have already received contributions from a number of budding Surrealists. The works so far have been done in pencil, black and white, watercolors, and things. No oil paintings have been handed in yet.


But they are pleased with the results and urge anyone else who has a few moments to spare to try their hand at it. They pointed out that Surrealism is as yet an innovation and not clearly defined, and that therefore no knowledge of any kind of art is necessary. "Things", as above, are particularly welcome as adding to the variety, they added.


Contributions which it would hurt their conscience to place above realistic art will be classed as Sourealistic art.
