Without doubt the student bodies of the various institutions concerned with the formation of the proposed Ivy League will feel a certain amount of resentment toward the athletic departments of their respective schools, resulting from the statement issued above. Inasmuch as the undergraduate bodies of the universities involved have almost unanimously expressed their approval of the league, it is indeed unfortunate that our various athletic directors could not reach an amicable agreement.
"The time has not yet come," reads the statement above. Perhaps the authors of this very clever statement, which says absolutely nothing, will tell us when the time will come. Of course there are obstacles to the league, but no end has ever been attained without sacrifice.
Perhaps the subsidization and recruiting of athletes has been the biggest obstacle to the league. The athletic directors do not give the reasons that have been the real trouble. Whatever these may have been, we do feel they could have been over-come if the schools which did not respond completely had been willing to sacrifice to but a small extent.
We repeat the necessity for the formation of an Ivy League. We shall not rest, as long as the student bodies of the seven institutions concerned continue to show such strong support of the plan, until definite action has been taken. --The Daily Pennsylvanian
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