
Hocking, Hillyer Will Give Courses in Univ. Extension

Many Greater Boston Colleges Will Cooperate for Night Schools

Two members of the Harvard Faculty, William E. Hocking '06, Alfred professor of philosophy, and Robert Hillyer '17, professor of English, will conduct courses in the University Extension night school courses.

Hillyer will conduct a course on modern English and American poetry, while Hocking will lecture on the philosophy of the state. This will include studies of the basis of liberty, democracy, property, and international relations.

For the first time training will be provided for professional writing of novels, stories, plays, verse, and criticism. This will be carried on by Professor Robert M. Gay of Simmons College.

Other colleges and institutions co-operating in the Extension service are Boston College, M. I. T., Boston Museum of Fine Arts, Wellesley College, Massachusetts Board of Education, Tufts, Boston University, and the Boston School Committee.
