

Hedblom Returns to Active Service as Roberts and Struck Draw Praise from Coaches

Coach Harlow keynoted hard driving and clean blocking yesterday afternoon, as he ran his squad through a seventy-minute scrimmage. Two Jayvee teams, using Amherst plays and formations, provided the opposition for the A and B elevens.

A cold snap in the air may have been partially responsible, but whatever the cause, the Crimson offensive machinery seemed to click much more efficiently yesterday than it did on Saturday. Evidence of Monday's play-polishing session could be seen in the better timing of plays.

Roberts Draws Praise

Vernon Struck continued to display his line ploughing abilities, tunneling the Jayvees' primary defense for long gains. George Roberts, returning to the A backfield quartet, drew praise from Harlow for his hard running.

George Hedblom returned to active service after a ten day layoff necessitated by a leg injury, alternating with Bill Watt in the backfield. Tom Bilodeau reported in uniform, convalescing from a bad cold, Don Daughters again took no part in contact work, but will be ready for action Saturday. As things now stand, everybody on the squad will be in good condition for the Lord Jeffrey clash.
