

Hopkins of England; Gilson of France, Speakers at Tercentenary Parley, Will Lecture First Half Year

Among the visiting professors who will lecture here during the year 1936-37 are representatives from the United States, France, England, Germany, Canada, Russia and Sweden.

From England will come the Reverend Canon James S. Bezzant of Liverpool Cathedral, who will be William Belden Noble Lecture at the Harvard Divinity School.

Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins, speaker at the recent Tercentenary Conference, professor of Biochemistry at the University of Cambridge, and British Nobel Prize Winner in Medicine, will remain for a few months as Edward K. Dunham Lecturer at the Medical School, where he will deliver a series of public lectures this fall.

Brilliant Hollenist

In the realm of ancient cultures, the Harvard staff will be assisted by one of England's most brilliant Greek scholars. Dr. Cecil M. Bowra, Senior Tutor since 1933 of Wadham College, Oxford, will give courses in Homer's "Odyssey" and in "Greek Lyric Poetry of the Fifth Century." At the age of 19, Dr. Bowra fought in France with the Royal Field Artillery. Upon graduating from New College, Oxford, in 1920, he specialized in the study of Classical Greek Poetry, and has published several works, including "Tradition and Design in the Iliad," 1930; "Ancient Greek Poetry," 1933; "Greek Lyric Poetry," 1935; and in 1930 he was co-editor of the Oxford Book of Greek Verse.


Bordeaux Englishman

Albert John Farmer, professor of English and American Literature at the University of Bordeaux, will come as exchange professor from France for the first half year. His courses will be on "The Modern English Novel" and "The Elizabethan Dramatists." An Englishman, Dr. Farmer graduated from the University of Manchester, and subsequently moved to France. His publications have concerned English Literature in the late 19th Century, particularly the works of Walter Pater, essayist and critic.

Sprague to France

In return for Professor Farmer, Harvard will send to France Oliver M. W. Sprague, professor of Banking and Finance at the Harvard Business School. He will leave in February.

Another Tercentenary speaker, who will lecture for the first half year, is Etienne Gilson, prominent Catholic thinker and medievalist, professor of Philosophy at the College de France in Paris, and Director of the Institute of Medieval Studies at Toronto. This will be his second term at Harvard, having taught here from 1926 to 1929. This year he will give a series of public lectures on "The Unity of Philosophical Experience." In addition he will hold a student seminar on the 17th Century French Philosophers Descartes and Malebranche.

Three Sociologists

Temporarily joining Harvard's social scientists this year will be three full professors, two from America and one from Russia. From Russia, where he was formerly professor of Law in the Economics Faculty of the Polytechnicum, St. Petersburg, comes Nikolai S. Timasheff, leading European criminologist. At Harvard he will instruct Sociology students in the social bases of legal phenomena, in "Modern European Social Reforms," and in "Individualized Treatment of Crime and Criminals."

Social Researcher

Another visiting sociologist will be Dr. William I. Thomas, professor at the University of Chicago 1910-18, and more recently Lecturer at the New School for Social Research. At 76 years, one of the world's leading authorities on group habit systems, Professor Thomas will give a course examining the fundamental differences between various races, nationalities, and classes; and will assist in conducting graduate seminars in sociological theory, social dynamics, and the development of cultural traits.

California Constitutionalist

One of America's leading constitutional experts, Charles G. Haines, professor of Political Science, University of California, will join the Government staff during the fall months, to give instruction in the development of constitutional principles in the United States. Dr. Haines has taught political science for thirty years, during 1906-25 at Ursinus College, Whitman College, and the Universities of Texas and Chicago; and since 1925 at his present post. His outstanding works include "Conflict over Judicial Powers of the United States to 1870," 1909; "American Doctrine of Judicial Supremacy," 1914; "Principles and Problems of Government," 1921; and "Revival of National Law Concepts," 1920.

To assist in inaugurating the new program of professional training for administrative work in secondary schools opening this fall in the Graduate School of Education, Dr. Charles W. Knudsen will temporarily leave his post as professor of Secondary Education at the George Peabody College for Teachers, Nashville, Tenn. He will give courses preparing students for the work of the principal or headmaster of a secondary school.

Another Hellenist

As Lecturer on Avestan in the first half year Harvard will have Herbert P. Houghton, since 1923 professor of Greek and Sanskrit at Carleton College. Before going to Carleton, Dr. Houghton was President of Waynesburg College 1915-18; and President of Carrol College, Wisconsin, 1918-20. At the age of forty, he was ordained as a minister in the Protestant Episcopal Church, and in 1923-29 was rector of All Saints Church, Northfield, Minn.

A former Harvard student, Bernard O. Koopmann '22, Ph.D. '26, now assistant professor of Mathematics at Columbia, will return for the school year as Lecturer on Mathematics. In Psychology, Harvard will have another distinguished visitor in the person of Dr. Heinz Werner, of the University of Hamburg, last year a Lecturer at the University of Michigan. Dr. Werner's special field of research has been in various aspects of the psychology of the senses and of speech. His courses this year will cover the "Psychology of Personality," "Developmental Psychology," and "Social Psychology."

Victor Returns

Two of last year's visiting professors at Harvard will return in the same capacity this fall. Karl Victor, professor of German Philology at the University of Glessen, Germany will be Kuno Francke Professor of German Art and Culture during the first half year, giving courses on "German Literature Since 1900," and on "The German Naturalists."

Willy Harinet, Lecturer at Frankfort University, Germany, whose field is the history of natural sciences, especially astronomy among the peoples of the Orient, the Near East, and Central America, will again be lecturer on the History of Science. Dr. Harinet is included in the faculty members giving courses in the new doctorate field "History of Science and Learning Infliated last year by President James B. Conant.
