

Doctors Treat Minor Ailments of Men Weakened by Long Vacations; Only Nine Go to Stillman

Vacationing has always been pretty tough on the boys according to the Hygiene Office on 15 Holyoke Street. Even on Mondays after the Yale football game the waiting room is jammed and the ways the lads can get run down over the long summer vacation is something terrific; either that or else they want to get their money's worth out of the new $20 hygiene fee. At least such would be the conclusion from the number of men who have reported to Dr. Bock's office since College registration opened Friday morning.

On Friday and Saturday a total of 119 men turned up not including the 239 men who took physical exams for football practice. Yesterday 62 more tottered into the clinic, presumably just fresh from the home town or some other vacation resting place. There was no epidemic of any sort, a cold in the head or the bellyache or perhaps the prospect of the coming academic year merely gave them an acute attack of weltechmery. Only nine of all these 181 however had to go the full distance up Brattle Street to the Stillman and take another forced rest in the Stillman.

The 239 physical examinations done by the Hygiene officers have been got through in record time this year. The Varsity squad, which reported on a Monday, was ready for the field on Tuesday and the Freshman squad was looked over and put into uniforms in the same short time.
