
Student Council Pledges Total About $5000 for Friday, Saturday--More Money Expected Today

president of the Harvard Student Council

Cash collections on the Student Council pledge cards Friday and Saturday have already mounted up to over $2,500, with unpaid pledges totaling approximately an additional $2,500. This return is very satisfactory and seems to be well over the amount recorded at the same date last year. 1940 gave $1,202 in cash Friday; upperclassmen an amount slightly less than this Saturday.

Add to this the amount that will be given on Monday, and the Student Council budget for the year should be assured. Thanks are due to those who have already liberally subscribed, and it is hoped that any students who did not make a pledge at registration, but would like to do so, would mail them to Walter H. Page, 3d '37, at Phillips Brooks House, Cambridge. A duplicate pledge card has been printed in the Student Council booklet given to each man.

Scholarships will he awarded as usual to needy students who are not necessarily on the Dean's List. Already this fall two scholarships totaling $174 have been given to upperclassmen who would not otherwise have been able to return to College.
