
Sophomores Have First Chance to Make Editorial Board of Crimson When Trials Start Wednesday

Businessmen, Photographers of '39 Also Will Report at Annual Fall Competition

All Sophomores who wish to try out for the Editorial, Business, or Photographic boards of the CRIMSON will be welcomed at the opening of the fall competition on Wednesday. September 30, at 7.30 o'clock, in the president's office in the CRIMSON building.

The editorial competition will be the first held for the Class of 1939 in as much as no Freshmen are allowed to try out for this board. It will last eight weeks, or less if the candidate is able to turn in enough good material before the full number of weeks are up, and will include training in the makeup of the editorial page, writing editorials, and investigation and research into controversial subjects for material.

The work is not difficult and the time required is less than that demanded by the competition for the news board. Since the quota for the Class of 1939 has already been filled on the news board and no further competitions will be held except for 1940, all Sophomores who wish to express themselves in print on College subjects will and this competition the last opportunity.

Business Competition

Business candidates will be put through a stiff course in business training during their eight weeks of competition. This training will include the solicitation of advertisements, merchandising work, bill collecting, and office management.


The CRIMSON has an annual turnover of approximately $80,000, and the management of these funds prepares one for future work in the business world.


The Photographic Board of the CRIMSON keeps a pictorial record of all the major events of the College year. The paper supports several grafiex cameras, as well as smaller machines; a completely equipped dark-room is maintained in the building. After an eight weeks competition a man can take, develop and print action, still, or posed pictures.
