
Secretary for Houses Goes Upstairs in Office Shakeup

Hubbub in University Hall Basement Lessened by New Alignment

Time has at last severed one of the University's most celebrated partnerships, the Committee on the Choice of Electives and the Secretary for the Houses.

Every Spring Room 3 in the basement of University Hall used to be the nearest thing to bedlam that Harvard had to offer. Freshmen and upperclassmen in anxiety over the rooming situation for the following year or rushing in with last minute selection of courses met in one swirling tide of hubbub.

But now the two offices have parted. Miss Spidell, for the Houses, has a new little cubbyhole tucked away in the Dean's office upstairs. Into her old quarters has moved Miss Butcher, quiet custodian of personnel records, while the ever-expanding Employment Agency crowds across the hall on the ground floor into her former room, K.
