Glen Cunningham's voice of experience will open the Crimson cross country season when all prospective barriers meet next Tuesday upstairs in the lounge room of the Dillon Field House at 3.15 o'clock. Cunningham has been asked to speak by Coach Jaakko Mikkola, the genial cross country mentor who was last spring promoted to head track coach.
Cunningham is now in Boston, training for his race with Jack Lovelock on October 3rd between the halves of the Princeton football game. Jaakko hopes to get off to a good start Tuesday with plenty of candidates for the coming season promises a lot of competition for his runners.
Under the leadership of Hayden Channing '37, captain and only letterman of the 1935 season, the harriers will have five collegiate meets as well as the open University handicap.
After Channing, Jaakko is looking to the following to build up his team: Cyrus C. De Costa Jr. '37, George P. Gardner Jr. '39, Francis M. Rivinus Jr. '38, Eugene H. Walker '37, Charles C. Worth '38, and William H. Wright Jr. '38. Alex Northrop '38, the most promising man for the number two post, is ineligible and his place will probably be taken by Henry Marcy '38.
The season will open with a meet on October 12 against the Crusaders. On the following week the University handicap will be held. This is open to everyone in the University and will absorb the energies of the cross country team but the next week they will run against Dartmouth and New Hampshire in a triangular race.
On October 30 will be the Intercollegiates and immediately following at New Haven on November 6 will be the H-Y-P race. The grand finale will come on November 16 when the team goes to New York to run in the IC3A meet.
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