

If the Tercentenary exercises had drawn no other talent, the speech by President Angell of Yale would have been enough to have made the occasion a memorable one. While President Conant's lips were sealed by his position as host, our neighboring educator pointed with cruel candour to the anachronism of the century: the presence of James M. Curley at a gathering of learned men.

President Angell took the attitude of reason in saying that the importance of the oath bill lies not in its immediate effect, but rather as a herald of things to come. He indulged in a bit of rightful bragging and pointed to the defeat of oath legislation in Connecticut. For the benefit of Mr. Curley he pointed out that freedom still lives across our southern border under the leadership of "Connecticut's Yale-educated governor."

As a result of this polished goading, Mr. Curley lost his usual composure and indulged in a fit of childish wrath which delighted his over-growing circle of enemies. At President Roosevelt's train the "Kingfish" accused Mr. Angell of talking teachers' oaths while Rome burned down. And Rome is burning. It is the Rome of Mr. Curley's authority over this Commonwealth. A year ago, when his seat of power was secure, one cannot imagine the self-confident governor injured by a professor's dart. Here is another shriek of retreat to show that Mr. Curley knows what November third has in store for him.
