

HARVARD ALUMNI ASSOCIATION. Luncheon at Memorial Hall Delta Pavilion, 1.00 o'clock. Open to Alumni. Tickets at 50 cents each will be on sale in the Yard and must be presented at the Delta entrance.

CHIEF MARSHAL'S LUNCHEON to the Governing Boards and their Guests. Memorial Hall, 1.00 o'clock. Open to the Governing Boards, Professors and Associate Professors, and Delegates.

HARVARD ALUMNI ASSOCIATION. Tercentenary Meeting. The Alumni will assemble at 2.00 o'clock in the Yard, as in the morning, and, headed by the Dignitaries, who will also assemble in the Yard, instead of in Widener Library, they will march into the Tercentenary Theatre by 2.30 o'clock.

UNDERGRADUATE DINNER for Undergraduate Delegates, at the Harvard Club, 374 Commonwealth Avenue, at 7.00 o'clock. Tickets may be purchased for $3.00 at the CRIMSON Building. Formal Dress.

TERCENTENARY CONCERT III. Boston Symphony Orchestra with a Chorus of Harvard University and Radcliffe College, Dr. Serge Kousevitsky, Conductor. Symphony Hall, Boston, 9.00 o'clock.
