
Railway Express Agency Taxed to Utmost as Students Start to Flock Towards Cambridge

From Maine to California, the Railway Express Agency is reaching out its efficeint tentacles to pick up hundreds of trunks, bags, and boxes preparatory to depositing them inside the doors of several hundred Freshman dormitory rooms in Cambridge.

Express facilities in a college town are taxed with two "peak load" periods, the incoming in September, and the exodus in June. But the reserve power of a national organization is such that the smooth functioning of the home-to-room service is unimpaired in efficiency. The express agency does the job in one motion, saving the trouble of moving by separate stages.

When the last trunk has been delivered to Wigglesworth, the Express Agency settles down to the less strenuous but equally efficient job of shuttling hundreds of student laundry cases weekly between Cambridge and home towns for those students who wish to have these bundles picked up and receipted for at the dormitory, avoiding the weekly trudge to the postoffice.

In addition to the carrying of ordinary suitcases and trunks the Railway Express is the most efficient manner of sending larger and bulkier bundles to and from Cambridge. It is estimated that the normal work of this agency is quadrupled when Freshmen and upperclassmen all over the country get underway for their respective colleges.

At the two vacations granted to Harvard students, Christmas and Spring, the Express is again called to the forefront as undergraduates shake the dust of college towns off their feet for a flying trip home and back with often only time enough for a couple of days in the old home town.
