


Eighteen boys in the Middle West selected for outstanding ability and character from more than three hundred top-ranking high school and private school competitors in the area, have been awarded prize fellowships to enter Harvard College this fall, President James B. Conant announced here tonight. These are the highest awards given to entering Freshmen at Harvard, being renewable throughout the four years of college and carrying stipends sufficiently large, when necessary, to meet all the student's expenses. Maximum awards are $1,000 the first year and $1,200 each year there after.

The Winners

The winners are David F. Aberle, cl. St. Paul, Minn.; Joseph R. Beever, of Mt. Vernon, O.; Hugh C. Bertsch, of Dayton, O.; Parke N. Bossart, of Owatonna, Minn.; L. King Cooperrider, of Columbus, O.; Jesse W. Croach, Jr., of Paducah, Ky.; William H. Daughaday, of Winnetka, Ill.; Samuel M. Fahr, of Minneapolis, Minn.; Otto W. Fick, Jr., of Oak Park, Ill.; Robert W. Harvey, of Kansas City, Mo.; Leonard C. Holvik, of Elbow Lake, Minn.; Donald F. Hornig, of Milwankee, Wis.; Ben F. McCamey, Jr., of Memphis, Tenn.; Phill C. Neal, of Oak Park, Ill.; Robert L. Peasok, of Peninsula, O.; Mathew D. R. Riddell, of Urbana, Ill.; Allen L. Snyder, of St. Louis, Mo.; and John L. Wallen, of Findlay, O.

From 10 States

The prize fellowships were established in six states in the Middle West three years ago and now have been extended so that boys are eligible to compete if they reside and attend school in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan. Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Kentucky, Missouri, or Tennessee. When sufficient gifts for scholarship purposes are made to Harvard's 300th anniversary fund, the program of large prize awards for entering Freshmen will be placed upon a national basis and boys in every state will be eligible for the scholarships.



Sixteen boys from high schools and private schools in the Middle Western and Southern states have been selected from among more than three hundred candidates in the area for scholarships to enter Harvard College this fall. The awards total $5,900.

The boys, who were school leaders in scholarship and class activities, were chosen from an area including Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Kentucky, Missouri and Tennessee. Eighteen other secondary school graduates from these states were named earlier this summer as winners of Harvard College Prize Fellowships.

The Names

The scholarships announced today went to John E. Crane, of 18 North Thirteenth Street, Richmond, Ind., Morton High School, Richmond; Paul J. Haldeman, of 406 Melville Street, St. Louis, Mo., University City High School; Edwin Hewitt, of 5016 Ellis Avenue, Chicago, Ill., Leelanau School, Glen Arbor, Mich.; Robert S. Hoyt, of 3568 North Cramer Street, Milwaukee, Wis., Shorewood High School, Milwaukee; John A. Lahmer, of 7104 Amherst, St. Louis, Mo., University City Senior High School;

James D. Lightbody, Jr., of 450 Drexel Avenue, Glencoe, Ill., New Trier High School, Winnetka, Ill.; Robert J. Lill, of 326 M.A.C. Avenue, East Lansing, Mich., East Lansing Senior High School; Charles H. Luther, of Wayzata, Minn., Blake School, Minneapolis; John S. Murphy, R. F. D. 1, Fulton, Ky., South Fulton High School; Thomas J. Pressly, of 804 Temple Avenue, Knoxville, Tenn., Knoxville High School; Thomas H. E. Quimby, of 21 South Union Avenue, Grand Rapids, Mich., Central High School, Grand Rapids; Fred A. Rice, of 506 Second Avenue, South, St. Cloud, Minn., Technical High School, St. Cloud;

Edward M. Steel, Jr., of 119 Elk Avenue, N. Fayetteville, Tenn., Lincoln Country Central High School, Fayetteville; Robert G. Urquhart, of 2974 Helen Avenue, Detroit, Micln, Eastern High School, Detroit; Malcolm R. Wilkey, of 411 South Seminary, Madisonville, Ky., Madisonville High School; and Morton G. Wurtele, of 5832 Stony Island Avenue,
