Fear of offending potential contributors to the Tercentenary Fund caused the "Alumni Bulletin" to refuse publication of an account of the radical activities of Harvard graduates, "The Nation," leftist New York weekly, charged last night. Officers of the "Alumni Bulletin" refused to comment on the matter.
The article by Roger N. Baldwin '04, and Corliss Lamont '24, appearing in the current issue of "The Nation," was originally published in the March number of the "Advocate."
"Anyone who is acquainted with American University graduates in the liberal and radical movements must remark the high proportion of Harvard men," the article states. Brief reference is made to the radical activities of Franklin D. Roosevelt '04, Oswald Garrison Villard '93, Felix Frankfurter, Lloyd K. Garrison '19, prominently mentioned as a candidate to succeed Dean Pound of the Law School, and many others.
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