September 21: Registration. September 25: Roscoe Pound relinquishes Law School leadership after twenty years of service. Successor unnamed. September 28: Despite Colonel Apted's valiant efforts, members of Kirkland, Eliot, and Winthrop Houses continue to park their cars in the triangle in violation of University parking rules. Petitions circulated.
October 1: Captain Haley resigns, ineligible for football. Shaun Kelly elected Captain. Haley to assist at practice despite ineligibility. October 2: Expert legal authorities examine Teacher's Oath Bill and declare that University Faculty Members refusing to sign cannot be touched. October 3: Professor K. F. Mather declares faculty members will not sign oath. October 5: Mather withdraws stand on Oath Bill when issue involves the University: Crimson defends Mather's action. October 8: Conant urges Faculty to sign Oath Bill. Principle to be attacked legally. October 10: Authorities yield to students in Triangle parking controversy. October 15: President Emeritus Lowell and Charles Francis Adams named to guide Alumni at Tercentenary celebration. October 16: Student Council announces investigation of Scholarships and Student Employment as annual projects. October 21: Advocate banned by Cambridge Police. October 29: Official's turn to Police in the case of brutal assault on dormitory janitor.
November 1: Ryan named in Foster case. November 2: University refuses government Youth money. November 5: Bingham announces U. S. should participate in Olympics. November 8: Morison addresses nation at first meeting of Tercentenary Celebration on Harvard's past. November 14: Hall wins Burr prize. Student Council votes $2500 to PBH. Nov. 19: First Ames Prizes go to Gibson and Johnson. November 22: Bunker named 1939 Redbook head. November 23: Jayvees slaughter Yale 37-7. Varsity drops heartbreaker to end mediocre first season under Harlow. Conant announces plans for roving Professorships. November 27: Ryan, found guilty in janitor case, officially expelled.
December 5: Crimson wins fight for extension of Christmas Vacation to two week period. December 9: Survey reveals striking success of National Scholarship Policy. December 11: L. N. Littauer bequeaths $2,000,000 to found School of Public Administration. December 12: Mather signs Oath Bill. December 13: Student Council defends Minor sports. To be retained another year. December 16: Tutoring School stink in Phil B personal book review requirement. B Guaranteed for $4. December 17: Hanford announces disciplinary action for purchaseed Phil B reports. December 19: Eddie Farrel leaves on account of ill health. Mikkola named new track coach. December 20: Crimson launches fight for revision of tutorial system.
January 10: 757 Universities invited to Tercentenary. Students reject old age pensions in Crimson poll. January 14: Freshmen receive free exam reviews from faculty members under sponsorship of Union Committee. January 20: Robert Frost named Norton Poetry Professor for half year. January 24: President Conant recommends special degree in Education and Arts and Sciences in annual report. Necessity for untagged funds emphasized. January 27: Memorial service for George V in Memorial Church. January 29: National Scholarship area extended to Tenessee and Missouri.
February 3: Ray Clark named as head of 1936 Nominating Committee. February 6: Kitty resigns. February 12: Conant refuses new $10,000 offer from Hanfstacugel. February 17: Hockey team climaxes great season, trouncing Yale 5-2. February 18: Freshmen allowed to eat 14 meals in Houses. February 21: Kelly, Maguire, and Hall named 1936 Marshals by classmates. February 24: Sextet takes McGill. Fox wins Junior skating crown. Glidden wins national squash' championship. February 25: Meal rates upped to $9.25 for 1936-37. February 27: Basketeers take Yale 36-32. February 29: Rick Hedblom named 1939 President.
March 9: Student Council supports Conant on Oath Bill stand. March 20: Conant justifies existence of privately endowed institutions at second Tercentenary Event. Harvard present and future discussed. Sees limitations of tutorial system. Suggests possibility of three year college course. March 26: Miller and Dunn take Wade and Boylston Prizes. Packard named to select 300th speakers.
April 6: Harvard Square business men join anti-Oath forces. April 7: Repeal of Oath Bill defeated in House. Deland appointed '36 Agent for Harvard Fund. April 9: Ballantine-Bowditch resolution results in minor changes in Student Council Constitution. Dismissal provision included. April 10: Ford elected 1937 Hockey Captain. April 15: Princeton-Harvard-Yale conference on public affairs announced by Crimson, News, and Tiger. Conant and Holcombe support move. April 17: Davidson and Navy on 1937 football schedule. April 21: Veterans of Future Wars hold mass meeting in Emerson. Demand bonus. Government 1 and Ec. A reorganized under Holcombe and Ec. committee. April 29: Hygiene fee raised to $20 for 1936-37.
May 1: Kitty gives last lecture to tearful audience which jams Harvard 5. May 4: Council reports on scholarships and Student Employment. Warns of overemphasis of pure scholarship and neglect of general leadership and personality development. May 7: Harvard severs boxing relations with Yale over dispute. May 15: Winsauer chosen Ivy Orator. '36 Album released. Red Book released. May 20: Cahners and Miller named to speak at Tercentenary. Melone named '37 Album head. Ray Dennett named PBH secretary. May 21: Melone, Gibson, Bilodeau, Dubiel, Hedblom, Bowditch, Allen, Keppel, and Dampeer elected to '36-'37 Student Council. May 22: '39 Confidential Guide appears. May 29: Kessler, Stephenson, Storey, McArthur, and Page; Earle, Kennedy, and Struck named to fill out next year's Student Council.
June 1: Bowditch, Hedblom, and Page elected President, Secretary, and Treasurer respectively of Council. June 3: Conant announces necessity for closing School of Regional Planning. Decision vigorously opposed.
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