

Gherardi Awards to Naval R.O.T.C. Grads on Ending Four-Year Course; Become Ensigns Today

Thirty-six commissions will be presented to the graduates of the Naval R.O.T.C. at twelve o'clock today in Fogg Museum. Rear Admiral Walter R. Gherardi, U.S.N., Commandant of the First Naval District, will make the presentation.

Thirty-four graduates will be commissioned as ensigns, two as ensigns in the Supply Corps of the Naval Reserve, and eight will be given certificates of completion of the Naval Science course.

Those who will be made ensigns follow: Walter R. Amesbury, Jr. '36, of Auburndale; Thomas A. Bittenbender '36, of Brookline; John L. V. Bonney, Jr. '36, of Columbus, Ohio; Charles B. Carroll '36, of Boston; Richard Cobb '36, of Brookline; Edward J. Coffey '36, of Salem; Whitney M. Cook '36, of Concord; Frank S. Deland, Jr. '36, of Cambridge; John F. Ducey, Jr. '36. of Boston; Arthur F. Duffey, Jr. '36, of Arlington; Edward T. Farley '37, of Chestnut Hill, Pennsylvania; Louis C. Farley, Jr. '36, of Chestnut Hill, Pennsylvania; Ernest B. Fay '36, of Lake Charles, Louisiana.

Clark W. Freeman '37, of Cambridge; Sidney Gleason, II ocC, of Newton; Benjamin H. Hallowell '36, of Chestnut Hill; Charles P. Haseltino '36, of Ripon, Wisconsin; Andrew Hutchinson '36, of West Newton; Andrew A. Kasper 4E.S., of Watertown; James T. Kilbreth, Jr. '36, of Hewlitt, Long Island; Harry Marvin-Smith '37, of Rye, New York; George A. Matteson, Jr. '36, of San Antonio, Texas.

Robert H. McAleer '36, of Brookline; Leo J. McNulty '36, of Roslindale; David H. Pabst '36, of Oconomowoe, Wisconsin; Lawrason Riggs, III '36, of New York City; David W. Schoonmaker '36, of Ashburnham; Alfred R. Shrigley, Jr. '36, of Hingham; George T. Skinner '36, of North Wales, Pennsylvania; Francis X. Sommer, Jr. '36, of Washington; Charles F. Tillinghast, Jr. ocC., of Providence, Rhode Island; Robert H. Waldinger '36, of Newton Center; Sidney S. Williston '37, of Northampton; and Dana C. Wrightington '36, of Lexington.


Those students to be commissioned as Ensigns in the Supply Corps of the Naval Reserve are William H. Lipsitt '36, of New Bedford and Oliver E. Rodgers '36, of Anaconda, Montana.

The following will be awarded certificates of completion of the Naval Science course:

Russell G. Claflin '37, of Newton; William P. Haskell '37, of Scarsdale, New York; Frederic P. Hubert '36, of Cambridge; Marius E. Johnston, Jr. 1G.B., of Lexington; George B. Lauriat, '37, of Brookline; William W. Prout '36, of Chestnut Hill; Theodore H. Sheafe '36, of Rye, New York; Russell Grinnell, Jr. '37, of Providence, Rhode Island.
