
Tercentenary Column

Celibacy of University Is still Maintained Despite Its Recent Assaults

Once again the celibacy of the College has been preserved by the noble efforts of Jerome D. Greene '96. Nearly a month ago the serenity of the Tercentenary office was upset by the announcement of the appointment of a woman Undergraduate delegate.

Carefully, Mr. Green explained the monastic aspects of the situation, and Stanford politely appointed another man to fill the lady's place.

Recently the whole situation rose again to its embarrassing climax; Boston University duplicated the action of the Pacific Coast University, and once again Harvard had to declare that it would welcome no women delegates at its gala 300th celebration next fall.

A Thousand Undergraduates

More that 1000 of the Undergraduates now leaving Cambridge will be back ten days before College opens for three Tercentenary days, present indications show. The first event is the Associated Harvard Clubs meetings on September 17.
