More than one thousand upperclassmen, certain that they had passed their divisionals or their finals, rudely terminated the week-end of Col. Charles R. Apted, '06, and brought the Cambridge police scurrying yesterday afternoon as they forced motorists to run the gauntlet of an artificial Niagara along Plympton street.
For the second successive Sunday, the playboys of Plympton street indulged their exuberance and held up traffic for an hour--between 5 and 6 o'clock--while they poured a water barrage down on any unlucky passer-by. Lowell and Leverett Houses concentrated on the lower end of Plympton street, while the two divisions of Adams House took care of the upper end. Col. Apted collected more than 40 bursar's cards; the Cambridge police threatened prosecution for four students caught with water pistols.
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