
New Railroad Rates Go Into Effect Today; Here They Are

Day Coach 2 Cents a "Mile First Class, Excluding Pullman, 3 Cents

Men who hall from points south and west and who are thinking of railroading their way home after being railroaded through finals and things, will be able to take advantage of the new railroad fares which are going into effect today. Some of them are: Boston to:  Day Coach  First Class New York  $4.60  $6.90 Washington  10.05  14.60 Atlanta  19.65  33.75 New Orleans  26.35  46.35 Albany  4.05  6.05 Buffalo  9.90  14.85 Pittsburgh  13.40  20.10 Chicago  20.35  30.55 St. Louis  24.20  36.30 St. Paul  28.10  42.10 Denver  41.10  61.60 Los Angeles  54.85  97.10

First Class does not include Pullman rates, which have, however, also been reduced to about two-thirds of their former price. A lower to Chicago, formerly $10.13, will be $6.75.
