
News from the Houses

Professor Merriman Gives Eliot House First Bowling

Several days ago a set of lawn bowls made their appearance on Eliot's quadrangle, and an enthusiastic group can be seen trying out their 'English' every evening.

Roger B. Merriman '94, Master of the House and donor of the bowls, inaugurated the bowling season last week by tossing the first set. Finding it difficult to control his power, however, be soon withdrew. John M. Potter '26, head tutor, confined his activity to remarking on the excellent condition of the green, a remark obviously aimed at numerous loudly voiced opinions that their technique was not entirely to blame for their poor shots.

An unconfirmed rumor has been unearthed that Professor Merriman has sent a challenge to Julian L. Coolidge '95, Lowell's Master, to a formal bowling bout.
