At the last House Dinner of the year Wednesday evening, the guest of honor was Raymond E. Priestley, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Melbourne and former Secretary of the General Board of the Faculties at Cambridge University. Mr. Priestley is a geologist and was a member of both the Shackleton and Scott expeditions to the Antarctic.
Other prominent geologists present were Reginald A. Daly, Sturgis Professor of Geology, and Louis C. Graton, professor of Minining Geology, both of the Division of Geological Sciences.
During the dinner, Robert H. Rawson '36, retiring chairman of the House Committee, presented Benjamin F. Wright, assistant professor of Government, with a silver cigarette case in recognition of his services as acting House Master during the first half of the current year.
After dinner Mr. Priestley held an informal discussion with House Tutors, members of the House Committee, and guests, in the Senior Common Room.
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