Frank Stanton Deland '36, of Boston, has been named assistant to William J. Bingham '16, director of athletics, it was learned Saturday. Deland, whose appointment will become effective next fall, will take over many of the duties formerly administered by Henry W. Clark '23, who resigned as Assistant Director of Athletics last January, to become Director of Athletics at Lafayette College.
Deland will be concerned principally with supervision of team managers. He is thoroughly familiar with this work, having held the position of Varsity football manager last Fall. Unlike Eskie Clark, Deland will not devote full time to his new position, but will divide his time between the H. A. A. and the Law School which he will enter in September.
Preparing at Noble and Greenough, Deland became manager of the Freshman football squad his first year, and in his Sophomore year won the second assistant managerial competition, thus automatically becoming Varsity manager his last year.
During his undergraduate career he was also president of the Intercollegiate Yacht Racing Association, treasurer of the Political Union, and a member of the Senior Nomination Committee.
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