
"Sweet Swing"

WILL OSBORNE, the orchestra leader, has only a slight connection with Yale. He once sued Rudy Vallee, Yale Alumnus, for a sum running past the $200,000 mark. Rudy, Will averred, had copied his crooning from Will Osborne. At that time Will's voice and vocal manner was so much like Rudy's that the radio public could rarely tell them apart.

Not knowing who came first, the court threw out the case. Rudy Vallee waxed more famous, and Will Osborn, who sounded like him, bore in silence the onus of an imitator. But Will has left St. Andrews College (in his native Toronto) to become an orchestra leader of note. He worked incessantly on special trombone effects, relied less on his voice. A year ago dancers began to notice that Will Osborne had a sweet swing to his playing. Today Rudy Vallee is known chiefly for his radio variety hour will Osborne is known for his band.
