
"Leonce and Leona" Will Be Presented by German Club

P. Anderegg, H. Roman, and P. R. Viereck Play Leading Roles

"Leonce and Leona," a satire on romanticism, will be presented by the German Club in Agassiz, Hall on Saturday evening at 8.30 o'clock. The play a being given in conjunction with the Radcliffe German Club.

The main parts are being played by Peter R. Viereck, '37, Howard Roman 76 and Philip Anderegg '39. James W. Hawkes, instructor in German, is searching the play.

To aid these who have little or no understanding of German synopses of the plot will be given in the program. The play was written about 1330 by George Buechner and is concerned with the oscapades of a prince and princess, betrothed since birth, who have never Sequa each other. To escape the marriage they run away, with resulting complexities.
