In wherry races on the half-mile course from the Weeks Bridge to the Riverside Boat Club yesterday, six men qualified for the finals of the Carroll CUP races to be held Friday afternoon.
The men are Robert H.Morse '39 Edward T. Barker '37 from the first heat; Elmore Bostwick Jr. '39, Karl M. Davies '39 from the second heat; William P. Keats, '38, Jerome Olrich IG.,from the third.
Three heats of four men were run off, two men from each qualifying. The winning time for the first heat was 5 min. I sec., for the second 4 min.55 sec., for the third 4 min. 45 sec.
Trials for broads and narrows will take place today, broads at 3:30 and 3:45 o'clock, and narrows at 4:00 and 4:15 o'clock.
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Track Team to Vie in Heptagonals; Home Tennis Tourney Opens Today