

Calmly choosing to forget the form letter sent to all Massachusetts judges requiring them to submit a report of their age and the state of their health, Governor Curley has explained himself out of one of the most embarrassing situations that even he has ever managed to blunder into. In a statement that is an insult to the intelligence of any but a Curley-appointed, democratic judge, the buffoon of Beacon Hill staunchly avowed that his intentions behind the proposed ouster of all judges over seventy were inspired by an utterly altruistic desire to relieve poor old men "with failing strength" from performing "arduous duties."

Such mealy-mouthed phrases will never deceive anybody. Curley began his administration by sidestepping an investigation of his career as Mayor; one wonders how far he expects to go in spiking the guns of any opposition. The Governor has been called a "cheap imitation of Huey Long", but he may turn out to be an extremely expensive imitation of the late lamented Kingfish if Massachusetts voters fail to take warning from the signs that now point to a future government that will be fascistic in all but name.
