
Eighteen Ushers Chosen for Annual Freshman jubilee

Ruth Gaylor, Hudson-DeLange Vocalist, Invited to Committee Dinner

Eighteen men will comprise the corps of ushers for the annual Freshman Jubilee, according to R. Bennett Forbes, Head Usher for the affair.

In addition to Forbes and Philip Brooks, Assistant Head Usher, those serving will be George Aldrich, Lloyd Booth, Jr., Arthur Brooks, Charles Cary, Leonard R. Dowse, Caleb Foote, Arthur D. Gardiner, Donald C. Goodrich, Laurence S. Johnson, Charles R. Miles, David Scull, Samuel P. Shaw, James L. Tyson, Roger Pierce, Jr.

According to Oliver P. Bolton, Chairman of the Committee in charge of music, Ruth Gaylor, attractive songstress appearing with the Hudson-DeLange Orchestra which will play at the Jubilee, has been invited to attend the weekly dinner of the jubilee Committee Monday night.
