


Forty-three members of the faculty will receive grants for the furtherance of 40 research projects in arts and sciences. The awards are made from funds established by William F. Milton '58 and Joseph H. Clark '57. The grants are made annually to faculty members to defray the expenses of special investigations.

Recommendations for the awards are made by a committee consisting of Frank B. Jewett of New York, chairman, and president of the Bell Telephone Laboratories; Simon Flexner of New York, former director of the laboratories of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research; and William Scott Ferguson, McLean Professor of Ancient and Modern History.

The awards are to: Bartholomeus J. Bok to determine the radial velocities of faint stars; Samuel H. Cross to prepare for publication a translation of the Laurentian Chronicle, a history of the Principality of Kiev, and a volume of memorial essays on A. S. Pushkin.

Louis F. Fieser for a study of organic chemicals which produce cancer compounds; H. O'Neill Mencken for the fifth Harvard archaeological expedition in Ireland, to conclude the study of the Iron Age and to pursue that of the Early Christian period.

Kirsopp Lake to prepare for several publications including "Lectionaria Graeca" being edited in conjunction with Professor Hoeg of the Danish Academy; Alan M. G. Little to continue study of the theatrical influences in Hellenistic art; Ralph B. Perry for a study of puritanism and democracy.


Edward K. Rand to prepare for publication certain Latin writings particularly an edition of Servius' "Commentary" on Vergil; Hyder E. Rollins to prepare for publication a variorum edition of Shakespeare's poems; Donald Scott for the field expenses of Dr. Gordon T. Bowles to cooperate with the Division of Anthropology in an expedition to southwest China to study the physical anthropology of the peoples along the Tibetan border.

John H. Van Vleck for investigations in quantum mechanics; G. Wallace Woodworth to investigate the sources of Bach's styles in the music of the seventeenth century.

Others are Irving W. Bailey and Ralph H. Wetmore for one investigation; Kenneth T. Bainbridge, John C. Baker, Henry B. Bigelow, Percy W. Bridgman, Huntington Brown, Frank M. Carpenter, Arthur Casagrande, Phillip C. Rutledge, William B. Castle, Dana B. Durand, John T. Edsall, Louis C. Graton, Ernest B. Dane, Jr., Alden B. Greninger, Richmond L. Hawkins.

Ralph R. Hultgren, Bernard M. Jacobson, Lionel S. Marks, Valy Menkin, Elmer D. Merrill, Abraham Myerson, Robert G. Noyes, Benjamin Rowland, Jr., Jabez C. Street, George Wald, Thomas Whittemore, Clyde E. Keeler, Jacob P. Den Hartog, and Yellapragada Subba Row.
