That the concentration quota system is hardly a system any more was revealed last night by the statement of James B. Munn '12, professor of English and head of the concentration quota committee, that, of the 967 Freshmen applying for a field of concentration, 886 (91%) have been assigned to the field of their first choice. The remaining 81 men have been denied admittance not because the quota system prevented it, but because their scholastic requirements were unsatisfactory.
Fifty-eight men were not assigned pending the results of their June examinations since they are now on pro. If they return in good standing next fall, they will be recommended to the field of their first choice and will probably be taken.
Only 23 men in good standing have not been placed and this for a variety of reasons. Chief among them is the refusal of a department to take a man who has an unsatisfactory record in the elementary courses given by that department. For example, a Freshman desirous of entering a scientific field would be refused by any of the several departments on the basis of two E's in elementary science courses. About half the 23 unassigned can be accounted for in this manner.
The other difficulty which the committee encounters particularly with these remaining 23 was the failure of a certain percentage of the Freshmen to express any real preference for one field. This indecision explains in many of the 23 cases the lack of assignment to any field.
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