
Radcliffe Graduation, Aspects of Metaphysics Discussed by Superintendent of Memorial Hall

Vagabonds No Source of Bother in Hall Except on One Very Special Occasion

Professor Whiteside may get your vote for the greatest mind in Harvard, but ours goes to the janitor of Memorial Hall. There's a man who knows what's going on, and has definite views on everything.

He believes in democracy, but he figures we'll have Communism within a hundred years. The crying need of the country just at present is an efficient labor organ. "Just look at the masses of labor who have no voice in the, government today. All that anyone around here cares about is material considerations."

The superintendent is just two years over from Scotland "where there's no graft in government. Over there you can't get things fixed. Over here the whole government is corrupt. The police, courts, everybody. Except Milwaukee. Therrre's a fine city." He has a wonderful burr in his voice.

No Spooks in Mem Hall

But changing the trend of conversation, he went into a discussion of his charge, Memorial Hall. "You know," says he, "a fellow came in here and told me he wouldn't work in Mem Hall because it was too spooky. And I told him there's nothing in spooks. You don't have to be afraid of anyone that's dead. There's enough living people around to be afraid of." Such people, especially, are Hitler and Mussolini.


Questioned as to whether there were any tramps ever come into the old pile of gloomy masonry, he said. "No." The only tramp he's ever had to throw out was one that came in while the Radcliffe Commencement was going on. "The gurris were leaving their pocketbooks around, and this guy looked pretty suspicious."
