

Original Purpose of Trip Is to Speak at Oslo Mathematical Conference--Wolf Is a Harvard "Guest"

George D. Birkoff '05, Perkins Professor of Mathematics, has been chosen as the Harvard representative at Heidelberg's 550th anniversary celebration by President Conant.

The primary purpose of Dean Birkoff's European trip this summer is to speak at the Oslo International Mathematics Congress which opens on July 13, and he will probably not spend more than a few days at Heidelberg. He will not lecture there, his official function being merely to extend Harvard greetings.

Wolf a Guest

Dr. Ernst Wolf is listed on the Heldelberg schedule as a Harvard "guest." He received a Ph.D. from Heidelberg in 1924, was on the faculty from 1926-31 when he came to Harvard as a lecturer on General Physiology. Last year he severed official connections with the University, and is now conducting private research.

When questioned about his Heidelberg "guestship" Wolf said that he know nothing about it. He received an invitation about two months ago which he answered by thanking them and saying that he would gladly attend if he decided to go to Europe this summer
