
Strictly Speaking

Although it is common knowledge that Harvard graduates have only 1.5 children every ten years, the vital statistics of girls' colleges are less well known. The average per graduate of Vassar and Bryn Mawr is about .8, of Mount Holyoke, about .7, and of Smith College, a little less than .6. No figures are available on Radcliffe.

The Metropolitan Police have trimmed all the shrubbery on the left bank of the Charles down to a level of three inches wherever possible and have thinned out the copses.

University Hall, it is reported, looks on spring's coming with a jaundiced eye. Riots, they believe, come in cycles, and it has been more than five years since the last disturbance. General warnings have been issued to proctors, and the Yard Police are organized for maximum efficiency, as could be seen in the handling of the crowd after the V. F. W. meeting.

While repainting Lowell House's tall Tower recently, the members of the Maintenance Department were puzzled to find a bright new arrow driven deeply into the woodwork. It was supposed at first that someone had been hunting pigeons from the rooftops. Investigation proved however that a local archer had let fly in irritation after being disturbed by the infamous Bells.

Track coach Mikkola received the following wire from the four hurdlers who had gone to the Penn relay meet:


dear jaakko

best of luck to track team hayes and crawford lost schmidt hit by taxi green and manager bryant running two laps apiece love

the four musketeers

The team won and set a new meet record.
