Although last Friday marked the official close of the spring football practice, informal work will continue this afternoon and last throughout the week. No more scrimmaging will be scheduled until next fall and no real work of any sort will be done. Coaching in punting, passing, and signals will be provided, however, to all those who care to report.
Summing up the results of the six weeks spring practice, Coach Dick Harlw expressed himself as "generally very much pleased with the results of the work accomplished and particularly with the attendance." Close to 60 men have reported regularly every day for the 22 practice seasons.
Perfect Records
Russ Allen, Bob Barkin, Jim Gaffney, Charley Kessler, Henry Russell, and Ben Smith, all linemen and Chief Boston, Phil Brooks, Rick Hedblom. Howie Lewenstein, and Verne Struck backs, all had perfect attendance reports.
Of the Freshman who worked out regularly, ten showed up so well during the spring that their chances of making Varsity berths are considered excellent. These ten are: Daughters, smith and Jamerson ends: Booth, tackle; Russell and Fearon, centers; and Brooks, Wilson, Boston, and Harding, backs.
It is considered nightly probable that Don Jackson and Frauny Laue, both fast, shifty backs who saw little service last year, will be in the starting line up more than once next fall. With Blackwood and Ford, returning lettermen, and Roberts and Stuart, up from the Jayvees, they should form an excellent backfield nucleus.
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