
Ballantine and Hallowell Will Supervise Balloting For 1937 Album Elections

Fifteen Juniors Already Nominated for Election

Arthur A. Ballantine, Jr. '36 and Benjamin H. Hallowell '36 were appointed last night as the two Seniors in charge of counting the ballots for the 1937 Senior Class Album election to be held next Monday.

Members of the nominating committee, James B. Hallett '37, chairman, Walter H. Page, II '37, and William H. Schmidt '37, will take care of the printing and the distribution of the ballots and will turn them over to Ballantine and Hallowell for the official figuring of the tallies.

Additional Nominations

Fifteen Juniors have already been nominated to run in the election, and additional nominations may be made by petition of 25 Juniors. These petitions must be handed to Hallett at 20 Holyoke Street before noon today.

Five men will be chosen out of the group of candidates, and one of these will be chosen chairman by this elected quintet. Plans for the 1937 Album, which will be published a year from this date, will be lined up at once. In former years these elections were not held until the fall of the Senior year, but a change was instituted last year in order to facilitate the early publication of this permanent record of each class.


Meanwhile, the 1936 Album, under the Chairmanship of Deric Nusbaum, is fast nearing completion and will be ready for distribution in the near future.
