Last October there appeared in the "Sleepy Eye Progressive", daily newspaper of Sleepy Eye, Minnesota, a town of no less than 2,576 citizens, an advertisement with great eye opening and persuasive qualities. Spread across half a page in huge bold-face italics were the words "Harvard College", and then followed in lesser type but equally bold this short paragraph:
"One of America's oldest and best known institutions of learning--Harvard College--was founded in October 1636 by John Harvard. Through the years Harvard has developed into one of the most famous institutions of its kind in the world. Keeping in step with the upward trend in education was responsible for the long life and success of Harvard, and it is with pride that we point to our ever-growing list of satisfied customers as proof that this market, through the past half-century of its existence, has adhered to a policy of QUALITY, SERVICE, AND SANITATION. Join that list today!"
"Quality Meats Always".
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