
Last Cambridge Concert For Pierians Tonight In Paine

Will Give Two Other Concerts Later at Wellesley, Connecticut

Appearing in its last Cambridge concert of the season, the Pierian Sodality of 1908 will perform this evening in Paine Hall. The only other two concerts will be at Wellesley and the Connecticut College for Women.

In the program appears a new composition by Delaney and an adagio for violin and strings, dedicated to Malcolm H. Holmes, who will direct the program. The rest of the program: Gluck Overture to "Iphigenia in Aulis" Hindemith  Funf Stucke Rosetti  Symphony in G-Minor Delaney  Adagio for violin and strings George K. Mateyo, soloist DeFalla Spanish Dance from "La Vida Breva"
