
Horns and Claws

A horrid petition is circulating in your midst, asking support of President Conant's stand against the Teachers' Oath Bill. Despise the dirty thing, chill it with boredom, shake it off in righteous anger, yield to it for the pure sentimental thrill, but don't sign. Harvard's President has disgraced her enough, without adding the scandal of her sons boasting when they should, in common decency, be ashamed.

The purpose of the bill, passed by sincere and simple-hearted Americans, is clearly to prevent unprotected youth in our schools and colleges from being deluded by communists into lives of bitter hate and frustration, fighting the invincible ideals of our great republic as set forth in the constitution. Politicians, even up to the President of the United States, have taken such an Oath for years and years without complaining, and the result has been good, clean, constitutional government. Obviously anyone who opposes the measure, since it attacks only communists, must be communistic, purveyors of the doctrines of mass murder and brutal oppression.

Where has flown the red blood of Harvard, that such an attack on the ideals of America, the ideals on which this great University has thriven, should remain unlynched, unfought, and unavenged? I put the issue squarely before you: should a President thus avowedly upholding the principles of class hatred, violence, murder, dictatorship, tyranny, and unconstitutionality remain in office at Harvard? If you answer yes, you also are an unAmerican traitor, the only difference between you and a convicted criminal being that there is now in effect a law against the latter, whereas the law against you and your sort has not yet been passed.

But you are young yet, and irresponsible. The more your signatures pour in, the surer the proof that the communists have already worked havoc in Harvard, that action must quickly be taken to put teeth in the bill, and so protect future generations of students from the same fate. O Graduates of Harvard, O Corporation, O Donors, O Protectors of Americanism everywhere, unite to save the world from the professors, the thinkers, the intelligent, who have already united against this American bill. Save Youth, and you save the Future! SATAN
